Can a Mini Fridge Share an Outlet (ULTIMATE Truth)

Originally Created on: November 5, 2022 @ 11:14 am

Can a mini fridge share an outlet? If you’re like most people, you probably have a mini fridge in your kitchen. You probably don’t have a lot of extra outlets to spare in your kitchen area.

So, what do you do when your mini fridge starts to suck up all the power in the room?

You’ll probably start questioning yourself whether mini-fridges can actually share an outlet with some of your other kitchen appliances or not.

Is it safe to plug in a mini fridge into an outlet? In this article, we will be diving deeper into this topic and help you get to the bottom of this crucial question.

Let’s get straight into it!

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Can a Mini Fridge Share an Outlet

Is your kitchen cluttered with too many appliances? If you’re running out of outlets, it might be time to invest in a mini fridge. Not only does this space-saving appliance keep your food cold, but it can also share an outlet with your regular fridge and other appliances.

If you’re wondering whether it’s safe to plug a mini fridge into the same outlet as your television or any other appliance, the answer is generally yes. However, you’ll want to double-check the amperage of the circuit breaker that controls the outlet to ensure it can handle the additional load.

A mini fridge can share an outlet with other appliances, as long as the wattage is not too high. If you have a high-wattage appliance, such as a hair dryer, you will need to use a separate outlet.

Other than that, there’s no reason why a mini fridge can’t share an outlet with other appliances. So if you’re in a pinch and need to save some space, go ahead and plug them both in.

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Can You Plug a Mini Fridge into an Extension Cord? (5 Simple Steps Included)

You can plug a mini fridge into an extension cord. However, you’ll want to make sure that the extension cord is rated for the same amount of current as the mini-fridge.

Otherwise, you could risk overloading the circuit and causing a fire. Additionally, it’s always a good idea to use a heavy-duty extension cord when plugging in any appliance.

Here is how to use a mini fridge with an extension cord:

  • Check the amperage rating of the circuit breaker that controls the outlet you’ll be using. That is important because you don’t want to overload the circuit.
  • Choose an extension cord that is rated for the same amount of current as the mini-fridge. A heavy-duty extension cord is always a good idea when plugging in any appliance.
  • Plug the extension cord into the outlet and then plug the mini fridge into the extension cord.
  • Ensure the cord is not running through any high-traffic areas where it could be tripped over.
  • Once the minifridge is plugged in, turn it on and adjust the temperature as needed.

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Does a Mini Fridge Need a Dedicated Circuit?

According to most experts, a mini fridge can run safely on the same circuit as other appliances in your home. This is as long as it doesn’t exceed the amperage rating for that circuit. So before you go out and buy a brand-new circuit breaker, check to see if your mini fridge is running on a circuit that’s already overloaded.

If you want to play it safe, the best option is to have the fridge on its own dedicated circuit. This way, you won’t have to worry about overloading the circuit. Additionally, it will give the mini-fridge the power it needs to run properly.

It’s vital to have the refrigerator on its own dedicated circuit if it’ll be used frequently or if it will be left on for long periods. Having the fridge on its own circuit will help prevent overloading the circuit.

Besides, most refrigerators run for 3 to 6 amps but can sometimes spike at peak usage to 15 amps. It’s best to consider the wattage of your fridge and the size of your circuit breaker. If you have a 20-amp circuit, you should be able to support a fridge that draws around 1,500 watts. If your fridge is larger or needs to run more frequently, you might need a 30-amp circuit. 

You can always check the amperage of the circuit breaker that controls the outlet to see how much current it can handle. If you’re not sure, it’s always best to consult with a certified electrician.

Interesting Read: Why Does Cheese Mold in the Refrigerator + 9 Prevention TIPS

Can I plug a Minifridge into My Bedroom?

Your bedroom is likely powered by a standard 120-volt circuit. However, most mini fridges require a dedicated 115- or 120-volt circuit. So you’ll need to check the specs of your fridge before you plug it in. Additionally, it’s always a good idea to use a heavy-duty extension cord when plugging in any appliance.

Having a fridge in the bedroom especially comes in handy in hostels, hotels, and houses with small kitchens. It helps you eat healthier and save money. You can store fruits, vegetables, and other healthy snacks in the fridge, so they are easily accessible. That can help you avoid unhealthy junk food when you are feeling hungry.

But is it safe to have a mini fridge in the bedroom? Mini fridges are safe to store in the bedroom. They may cause loud noises and disturb you in your sleep, but having a refrigerator presents no danger. They don’t leave any radiation and are a convenient place to store water and snacks. 

Also Read: Why Do Fridges Make Noise (The ULTIMATE Truth)

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can a mini fridge share an outlet with a computer?

Yes! A mini fridge can absolutely share an outlet with a computer. There are a few things to keep in mind, however. First, make sure that the outlet you’re using can handle the load of both the fridge and the computer. If you’re not sure, check with an electrician. Second, we recommend using a surge protector for both the fridge and the computer, just to be safe.

Can a mini fridge and microwave share an outlet?

Yes, they can! But there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure the mini-fridge is on its own circuit. You don’t want to overload the outlet. Second, if you’re using an extension cord, make sure it’s heavy-duty and can handle the load. Another thing to keep in mind is that sharing an outlet can cause the mini-fridge to run less efficiently. So, if possible, it’s wise to give each appliance its own outlet.

Does a mini freezer need its own circuit?

Most mini freezers will need their own circuit. This is because they typically use a lot of power and can overload a circuit if they’re sharing it with other appliances. If you’re not sure if your mini freezer needs its own circuit, check the owner’s manual or contact the manufacturer.

Final Thoughts

Yes, a mini fridge can share an outlet with another appliance as long as they are both low-power devices. It’s also important to ensure that the outlet isn’t overloaded before adding your mini-fridge to the outlet.