Magic Chef Mini Fridge Not Cooling (Find Out Why)

Originally Created on: November 2, 2022 @ 2:42 am

Your Magic Chef mini fridge should always serve its purpose; it’s why you paid the big bucks for it in the first place. However, what could be the issue behind your Magic Chef mini fridge not cooling properly?

Understandably so, fridges, like other appliances, present a few glitches. And that includes cooling less than you expect, which can be annoying.

These appliances may even run as they should, with everything seemingly in perfect shape. However, it can be a rude shock if they hardly keep your food cool but instead give you hefty electricity bills at each billing.

It’s easy to think about replacing it with a new one or complain to your manufacturer. Perhaps, they could offer a hand diagnosing the issue if the warrant is still valid or you aren’t at fault.

This article digs deeper into the problem and how you can restore your Magic Chef mini fridge’s propensity to cool.

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Magic Chef Mini Fridge not Cooling?

Your Magic Chef fridge may stop cooling for various reasons. That could be because the condensers are dirty, the malfunctioning condenser fan motor or the temperature control thermostat isn’t in its best condition.

Moreover, the start capacitor can be at fault and sometimes prevent your fridge from running.

These mini fridges usually don’t show fault and are sought-after for their ability not to develop potential flaws sooner. However, they aren’t indomitable despite having studier cooling mechanisms and well-thought design systems. These issues, however, don’t come out of the blue since they usually show off with poor maintenance.

A new Magic Chef Fridge should cool your drinks and foods with the utmost efficiency if you give them proper care. That means keeping it clean and making regular inspections to ensure it’s functioning properly. You don’t have to go all in with heavy maintenance, but doing the following can keep your Magic Chef mini fridge cooling as it should.

  • Checking the refrigerator door seal
  • Correcting the temperature often for more efficient cooling 
  • Ensuring that the vents inside the generator are always open and not blocked 
  • Quickly closing the refrigerator door after getting something from it
  • Removing excessively accumulated ice in the refrigerator

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Why is my Mini Fridge Running but Not Cooling?

Sometimes the refrigerator may run, only to disappoint you with below-par cooling. While that’s something you’d least expect from a fridge you pay so much for, it’s possible. Mainly, this issue results from a broken evaporator fan emitting a chirping or squealing sound or frost-clogged evaporator coils. 

Also, the refrigerator condenser can be at fault, and its start relay couldn’t be optimally functional. This essential fridge enabler is usually situated behind the fridge towards the bottom. You might want to check if it’s fine, which is easy to know since this black, tank-like part hums when in perfect shape. However, the humming can be loud or fainted, a telltale sign that it’s broken.

Properly maintaining your Magic Chef mini fridge can be handy, and the best part is that you don’t have to go hardcore with it. Instead, the little things you do can help, including ensuring that the vents aren’t blocked, removing accumulated ice in the fridge, and correcting the thermostat temperatures. That ensures every part responsible for the cooling is in perfect shape.

Also Read: Why Does My Mini Fridge Freeze Everything (Know Ultimate TRUTH)

How Do You Fix a Mini Fridge That Won’t Work?

Fixing the issues in a mini fridge is just as straightforward as diagnosing them. The good thing is that there are numerous reasons your mini fridge won’t work, and you can easily identify them with or without a technician’s help. Diagnosing these issues is usually intuitive and shouldn’t boggle your mind. 

Before embarking on repairs, diagnosis usually precedes. Therefore, please check if the power cord is conveying sufficient electricity. Perhaps, the compressor’s vibrations might have loosened it, and maybe getting a wall receptacle can come in handy. Moreover, the circuit breaker in the electrical panel can be faulty and may appear tripped.

Also, sometimes the thermostat may be out of range, cooling less than expected. If so, resetting it aligns everything, and your mini fridge should be back working. If perhaps, you wonder, “how do you fix a mini fridge that won’t work if the issues are complex?” You might want to reach out to your technician for technical help, diagnose the problem and offer a more permanent solution. 

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How do You Reset the Compressor on a Mini Refrigerator?

You can reset your mini fridge’s compressor by cutting the electricity supply when you unplug it. Most people get nervous by the whooshing or knocking sounds soon after, but that’s standard for any compressor out of power. You may have to wait a few minutes before re-plugging it, which should solve the problem. 

If cooling is the issue, you can check if the thermostat is functioning well. If out of range, you can reset it, but please give your mini fridge about 24 hours before you notice any changes. You may also turn off the mini fridge from the control panel located inside it. You can set the control to zero or switch them off entirely before replugging and seeing if the issue is fixed. 

Sometimes the issue can be overly technical, but that’s not usually the case since mini fridge issues are straightforward and solvable. If perhaps your minifridge is somewhat becoming a headache, resetting the temperature thermostat or the controls may eliminate the problem. However, please get in touch with a professional for help if you can solve the issues.

How do I Make my Magic Chef Mini Fridge Colder?

Temperature control keeps your Magic Chef mini fridge within its working temperature. These fridges are sought-after for their ability to maintain low temperatures on end, meaning that your food would stay cold consistently. Their calibrations usually range from one to five, with the latter being a setting for the extremes. However, a few people may murmur about the inconvenience of keeping things cold.

It may linger you, “how do I make my Magic Chief mini fridge colder? It’s pretty straightforward: properly maintain it and always check for the faults that might be the genesis for minimizing its ability to remain cold enough. That means keeping the condenser coils clean and removing the accumulated ice inside. Also, proper storage comes in handy, keeping your it cool.

You can guarantee a cooler mini fridge by storing it away from direct sunlight. Moreover, you can still take it off a carpeted surface and place it away from the heat-producing appliances in the kitchen spaces. Keeping a sizeable gap between the wall and the rear also helps enable proper air movement and circulation. 

Also Read: Why Does Cheese Mold in the Refrigerator + 9 Prevention TIPS


Not cooling your Magic Chief mini fridge could be due to numerous issues you can diagnose without professional help. However, it’s always advisable that you reach out for some assistance if the problem is seemingly complex. Properly maintaining your mini fridge is the best way of keeping it working optimally as it should. 

Such issues include your condenser not working optimally and the compressor being at fault. Also, the thermostat may be out of range, making it challenging to maintain the temperatures. If feasible, resetting your minifridge can helps solve these issues altogether.