Can A Countertop Dishwasher Be Permanently Installed? [The TRUTH]

Originally Created on: March 23, 2023 @ 10:26 am

Can a countertop dishwasher be permanently installed? Installing a countertop dishwasher can be a great way to save space in your kitchen while giving you access to all the features of a regular dishwasher.

Depending on the model, countertop dishwashers can be either permanent or temporary fixtures in your kitchen.

When it comes to installation, there are several factors you will need to consider before deciding if a countertop dishwasher is suitable for you.

Also Read: Do Countertop Dishwashers Save Water? [Find Out NOW]

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Can A Countertop Dishwasher Be Permanently Installed?

No. A countertop dishwasher isn’t intended or designed to be built under the counter or inside the cabinet. A countertop dishwasher is intended to be a temporary solution and should not be used as a permanent installation.

However, it can be placed on or attached to an existing countertop. This saves space by eliminating the need for a separate stand-alone dishwasher and provides added convenience since the unit will already be connected to the plumbing.

However, some models are explicitly designed to be permanently installed, while others require additional hardware or modifications to be installed properly.

Before deciding on a model, make sure that it is rated for permanent installation and understand all of the requirements for installation.

Additionally, if you plan on installing the dishwasher, ensure you are familiar with local plumbing codes before beginning the process.

Do Countertop Dishwashers Have To Be Plumbed In?

You need to plug a countertop dishwasher into a power source to use it, but it does not need to be plumbed into your home.

Most countertop dishwashers are self-contained and require no additional plumbing or installation. All you need to do is plug the unit in, fill it with water and detergent, and turn it on to start cleaning dishes.

Unlike built-in dishwashers, countertop models draw their water supply from a reservoir that must be manually filled before each use.

This reservoir is typically located at the back of the unit. It holds up to around 4 gallons of water, allowing you to wash several loads of dishes without refilling the tank.

Pros & Cons of Installing a Countertop Dishwasher Permanently

Installing a countertop dishwasher permanently can be a great way to save space and energy in your kitchen. However, there are pros and cons to consider before making the decision.


The main benefit of permanently installing a countertop dishwasher is that it will save you time and energy. You won’t have to worry about setting up and taking down the dishwasher every time you need to use it, which can be a hassle.

Additionally, since the dishwasher will be connected directly to your plumbing system, you won’t have to worry about filling it with water each time you use it. This will also help you save on water bills as well.

Another benefit is that installing a countertop dishwasher permanently will free up valuable counter space in your kitchen. If you don’t have enough room for all of your appliances, this could be an ideal solution for maximizing your kitchen space.


One potential downside of installing a countertop dishwasher permanently is that it may not fit in with the overall design of your kitchen. If you’re looking for an appliance that blends seamlessly into your home’s decor, you may have better options.

Additionally, removing the dishwasher could prove difficult and costly if you ever decide to move or remodel your kitchen.

Another potential con is that if something goes wrong with the dishwasher, such as a leak or malfunctioning part, it can be more difficult (and expensive) to repair than if it was just a portable unit.

Therefore, if something does go wrong with the dishwasher after installation, you may end up having to replace it entirely instead of being able to take it back for repairs or replacement parts like you would with a portable unit.

Can you make a countertop dishwasher built in?

If you want to upgrade your kitchen with a built-in countertop dishwasher, you’re in luck! There are plenty of options available to fit your needs. From portable models to full-sized built-in units, there’s something for everyone.
Portable countertop dishwashers are perfect for small kitchens or apartments with limited space. They come in various sizes and styles, so you can find one that fits your budget and lifestyle.

No matter which countertop dishwasher you choose, ensuring it fits appropriately in your kitchen before purchasing is vital.

Measure the area carefully and read reviews from other customers to ensure the model you select will meet your needs.

Typically, it’s possible to convert a countertop dishwasher into a built-in model with the right tools and materials. This can be achieved by mounting the unit under your kitchen counter or customizing a cabinet specifically for the dishwasher.

If you plan on doing this yourself, ensure you have all of the necessary hardware and understand all the relevant plumbing codes. It is also important to make sure that your countertop dishwasher is rated for permanent installation before you begin.

Additionally, if you are uncomfortable with doing the work yourself, it may be best to hire a professional installer.

With a suitable countertop dishwasher built in, you can enjoy sparkling clean dishes without taking up too much space in your kitchen!


While it is possible to install a countertop dishwasher permanently, there are a lot of factors to consider before doing so. Make sure you consider all of the pros and cons before deciding whether or not it is the right choice for your home.

Additionally, if you do decide to install a countertop dishwasher permanently, make sure that it is rated for permanent installation and that you understand all of the necessary plumbing codes.​