Leaving Dirty Dishes In Dishwasher Overnight [The SURPRISING Truth]

Originally Created on: March 7, 2023 @ 9:24 am

Dishwashing can be tasking, particularly when you are tired. We find easier ways of dishwashing, such as using a dishwasher.

However, a dishwasher still needs manual control to remove the dishes from it. You may have considered leaving dirty dishes in dishwasher overnight.

Most people have tended to postpone washing the dishes for a day or two or even longer.

Read on if you are wondering whether Leaving dirty dishes in dishwasher overnight is good and how long you can safely leave dirty dishes in the dishwasher.

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Leaving Dirty Dishes in Dishwasher Overnight

You can leave clean dishes in the dishwasher overnight. However, leaving dirty dishes in your dishwater overnight is more concerning. Whether this is okay or not will depend on how efficient your dishwasher is while running and the type of dishwasher you have in your home. 

Modern dishwashers are more efficient in distributing water and detergent and achieving the right temperature. Because bacteria can only thrive at a specific temperature, dishwashers often run with warm water to kill bacteria.

According to some studies, you can leave the dirty dishes in your dishwasher overnight or for as long as four days if you have a newer dishwasher.

A high-temperature, strong detergent and longer wash cycle can efficiently wash away stuck-on food residues and destroy most bacteria and other microorganisms.

But any longer than this will allow the bacteria to breed, spread and possibly infect your kitchen. However, if the dishwasher is an older model, it might be better to run it and clean up the dishes before bed.  

What Happens If You Leave Dirty Dishes Overnight?

Leaving dirty dishes overnight allows the bacteria on the dishes to breed. Over a prolonged time, the bacteria on the dishes can begin to spread to the surrounding, subsequently spreading all over your kitchen. This is why leaving dirty dishes overnight is highly discouraged.

Unless you stay alone, washing your dishwasher daily is a good idea. This way, you will decrease your risk of getting infections caused by the bacteria growing on your dishes. If you don’t have a dishwasher, you can wash the dishes by hand.

Ultimately, bacteria can stay alive on surfaces, including clean surfaces, for up to four days. Washing up the dishes before bed will help prevent bacteria breeding, hence minimizing the risk of infections. 

How Long Can You Leave Dirty Plates in Dishwasher?

Normally, it is okay to leave plates in the dishwasher for around four days without touching them, whether clean or dirty. Leaving dirty plates for more than four days can cause bacteria and mold overgrowth in your dishwasher, which is difficult to eliminate.

Another common problem is that the dishes might develop an unpleasant smell and get discolored or stained. With this in mind, running your dishwasher as soon as it gets full and unloading the plates as soon as they become dry is recommended.

This way, you will decrease the chances of mold, bacteria, mildew, and other microscopic organisms from infesting your dishwasher and establishing a colony.

Washing your dirty dishes immediately also gives the stains less time to settle. As long as you remove the clean plates from the dishwasher in four days, you don’t have to re-wash or re-rinse the dishes.

But leaving them any longer than that means you have to run them through the wash cycle again which will use more water and energy. 

Why Should You Wash Dishes Right Away?

While you can leave dirty dishes in the dishwasher overnight or even for up to four days, washing your dishes right away is more recommended.

One of the reasons you should wash the dishes right away is because it’s easier to wash them before the food and stains harden. Leaving dirty dishes out on the sink or counter to wash later uses additional resources.

The longer you keep the dishes out, the harder it becomes to remove hardened stains and food. Additionally, washing dishes right away will prevent the development and multiplication of bacteria.

Bacteria multiply on the dishes regardless of where you keep them. Therefore, keeping your dishes clean will ensure bacteria do not develop. 

Leaving dirty dishes around the kitchen attracts rodents, ants, cockroaches, and other pests on the leftovers. These pests might end up leaving bacteria on the dishes, and you might end up getting infected.

Lastly, when food on the dishes is exposed to air for a long time, it can start to rot and make the dishwasher smell. When placed in the dishwasher, the rotting food ferments, and the machine will develop a bad smell.

Ultimately, rinse or wash the dishes as soon as they are used and put them in the dishwasher immediately.

Is It Okay to Leave Dishes in The Dishwasher Overnight

Yes, it’s okay to leave dishes in the dishwasher overnight. You can put dirty dishes in your dishwasher until the next morning before running it.

Additionally, you can run your dishwasher at night and leave your cleaned dishes in the dish racks overnight before unloading them the next day.

You don’t need to worry that your dishwasher won’t be able to wash off the stuck-on food particles after leaving dirty dishes overnight. By using a longer, warm water cycle and effective detergent, your dishes will be well-washed.

You also don’t have to worry about microorganisms either. As long as you are not in contact with the dishes in the dishwasher, you cannot spread bacteria from them.

However, it will be more convenient to unload the clean dishes from your dishwasher and keep them away to create room for new dirty dishes and maintain your kitchen well organized.

Also Read: How To Kasher A Dishwasher? [Tips + COMPLETE Guide]


Ultimately, whether you plan to leave dishes in the dishwasher before or after washing, they should only sit there for up to four days.

Leaving your dirty dishes in the dishwasher is one of the common ways to spread bacteria in your house. This is why it is highly discouraged. 

While Leaving dirty dishes in dishwasher overnight will not cause serious problems, it is best to keep up with the washing up.

This way, you will minimize the risk of infections in your kitchen.