Why Can You Put Metal In The Oven But Not In The Microwave? [The GENIUS Reason]

Originally Created on: June 9, 2023 @ 9:43 am

Why can you put metal in the oven but not in the microwave? When it comes to cooking and heating food, we rely on the convenience of appliances such as ovens and microwaves.

However, there is a fundamental difference between the two when it comes to using metal cookware.

While it is generally safe to put metal in the oven, it is advised against putting it in the microwave.

Read on to find out why.

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Why Can You Put Metal in the Oven but Not in the Microwave?

If you’ve ever wondered why it’s safe to put metal pans and trays in the oven but not in the microwave, you’re not alone. The reason behind this stark difference lies in the way these two kitchen appliances heat your food.

Microwaves work by emitting electromagnetic waves that excite the water molecules in food, causing them to vibrate and generate heat.

However, when it comes to metal, the story is different. Metal objects in the microwave can cause a phenomenon known as “arcing.”

Arcing is the process in which electrical currents are generated by microwaves when they come into contact with metal.

The electrical current can jump across small gaps, such as the edges of aluminum foil, leading to sparks. These sparks can damage the microwave and create a potential fire hazard.

The reason microwaves interact with metal this way is due to their properties. Metal reflects microwaves, much like a mirror reflects light.

This reflection can cause the waves to bounce around inside the microwave, creating hot spots and arcing.

To ensure safety while using microwaves, it is essential to avoid placing any metal objects inside, including aluminum foil, metal containers, or utensils. Instead, opt for microwave-safe dishes made of glass, ceramic, or microwave-safe plastic.

Ovens work by heating the air inside the oven chamber, which in turn transfers heat to the food. The metal used in cookware, such as stainless steel or aluminum, is a good conductor of heat.

When placed in an oven, metal cookware absorbs heat from the surrounding air and transfers it to the food, promoting even cooking. 

The walls of the oven reflect heat back into the chamber, allowing for efficient heat distribution. The oven’s electromagnetic radiation doesn’t directly interact with the metal, making it safe to use.

Why Does a Microwave Explode When You Put Metal in It?

A microwave can potentially explode when metal is placed inside due to a phenomenon known as arcing.

When metal objects are exposed to high-frequency electromagnetic waves generated by microwaves, they act as antennas and reflect the waves rather than absorbing them. 

This reflection can create concentrated electric fields around the metal object, leading to sparks or electrical discharge, which can ignite flammable materials or damage the internal components of the microwave.

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Furthermore, the concentrated electric fields can cause the metal object to become extremely hot, potentially leading to the ignition of flammable materials nearby.

This combination of electrical discharge, heat generation, and the potential presence of flammable substances creates a hazardous situation that can result in an explosion or fire.

To prevent explosions and ensure safety, it is crucial to avoid placing any metal objects inside a microwave. This includes aluminum foil, metal containers, utensils, or dishes with metallic accents. 

Why Does Metal Spark in the Microwave?

Metal sparks in the microwave due to a phenomenon called arcing. When metal objects are placed inside a microwave, the microwaves interact with the metal’s conductive properties.

Instead of being absorbed like other materials, the microwaves reflect off the metal’s surface. This reflection causes a concentration of electrical energy in certain areas, leading to the formation of sparks.

Sparks in the microwave pose a significant fire hazard and can damage the appliance.

The intense heat generated by the sparking can melt or burn nearby materials and even cause the metal object to become extremely hot, potentially leading to burns or starting a fire.

Can You Put a Stainless Steel Bowl in the Oven?

Stainless steel is a safe and durable material that can withstand high temperatures typically found in ovens. It’s excellent for even heat distribution, which helps in achieving uniform cooking results.

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However, it is important to ensure that the stainless steel bowl you are using is oven-safe and does not have any plastic or non-heat-resistant components, such as handles or lids, that may be damaged by the high heat.

What Kind of Metal Can Be Used in an Oven?

Several types of metal can be safely used in the oven. Some common metals suitable for oven use include stainless steel, cast iron, aluminum, and copper. These metals are known for their excellent heat conductivity and durability.

Always check the manufacturer’s guidelines to ensure the specific metal cookware you have is oven-safe and follow proper usage and care instructions.


To avoid sparking and potential hazards, it is essential to never put metal objects inside a microwave.

Stick to microwave-safe materials such as glass, ceramic, or microwave-safe plastic to ensure safe and efficient use of the appliance.