Stainless Steel In Microwave [The BOTTOM-LINE + 4 Tips]

Originally Created on: May 19, 2023 @ 9:43 am

Stainless steel in microwave can cause several concerns for consumers.

Understanding whether stainless steel pans are safe for microwaves and how they may impact performance is valuable information for homeowners.

While many stainless steel pots and pans claim to be microwave safe, there are factors to consider before reheating or cooking directly in a microwave.

The makeup of the metal can impact its performance when exposed to microwaves and high heat.

Some stainless steel cookware may spark or heat unevenly in certain spots during microwave use.

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Can You Put Stainless Steel In the Microwave?

Stainless steel cutlery and cookware can be placed inside microwave ovens but should only be used cautiously. While stainless steel is heat resistant, certain factors can cause issues when heating it in a microwave.

The primary concern with using stainless steel in microwaves is arcing. Metal or metallic objects can create sparks when exposed to the powerful microwaves used for cooking.

Stainless steel contains iron, which is attracted to magnetic fields like those generated by microwaves. That can cause the steel to arc and potentially damage the inside of the microwave.

To microwave stainless steel safely:

•Start with short intervals and low powers to avoid overheating the steel. Check the item frequently to avoid excess sparking.

•Avoid sharp edges or points which concentrate microwaves and increase the risk of arcing. Be particularly careful with utensils that have thin or narrow handles.

•Do not place dry stainless steel directly on the microwave turntable. Use a microwave-safe pad between the steel and the plate to avoid damage.

•Rinse or wipe steel items with a damp cloth before microwaving to minimize sparking. Any food residue can increase the chances of arcing.

What Happens If You Put Stainless Steel In a Microwave?

While microwaves have long been used to heat many food containers, placing stainless steel items in a microwave can cause damage or sparks. Stainless steel is an alloy made of mostly iron, with added elements like chromium.

These elements make it resistant to rust and corrosion but also give it properties that interfere with microwave radiation.

When stainless steel is placed inside a microwave while running, some areas of the metal’s surface will heat up more than others due to differences in how its crystals absorb microwaves.

That can cause hot spots on the metal that get extremely hot in seconds, which may damage or warp the item and shorten the lifespan of your microwave.

Sparks and smoke may also form as the metal heats unevenly, potentially causing a fire inside the microwave.

Styl steel cookware and utensils should never be microwaved to avoid damage and safety issues.

While some stainless steel containers claim to be “microwave safe,” placing any stainless steel inside a running microwave is not recommended.

Does Stainless Steel Explode In a Microwave?

Stainless steel cookware is known for its strength and durability.

But would it damage your microwave if you tried to heat something in a stainless steel container using that appliance? While stainless steel won’t explode in most microwaves, heating it could cause some issues.

Stainless steel won’t explode in a microwave since it contains no explosive compounds.

However, some problems can arise from heating stainless steel containers in microwaves. The metal is primarily reflective of microwaves, so a lot of the energy from the microwaves can get absorbed by the container itself instead of the food. 

This could cause the stainless steel to get extremely hot, potentially damaging the container or starting a fire.

Heating certain stainless steel alloys in microwaves could also cause dangerous sparks inside the microwave itself. Avoid heating food in stainless steel containers using the microwave to be safe.

What Kind Of Metal Can You Put In a Microwave?

While some claim microwaving metal objects are harmless, experts warn against the practice. Putting most types of metal in a microwave can damage the microwave and be dangerous.

Metal objects should never be microwaved. When microwaves hit metal, the electromagnetic waves bounce around chaotically within the metal object and the microwave itself.

This sparking and arcing can melt plastic parts inside the microwave as well as cause a fire. Even seemingly “safe” metals like gold and silver can melt or spark in a microwave.

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Most metals, including aluminum foil, steel containers, and copper wires, can never rightly be placed inside a microwave for heating or cooking.

The microwave’s magnetron tube, used to generate microwaves, can also be permanently damaged by sparks from metal objects. So to be safe, avoid putting any metal in a microwave.

Can You Put Stainless Steel Mixing Bowls In The Microwave?

While small amounts of stainless steel, like spoons and mixing bowls, are unlikely to cause issues in most microwave ovens, it is still best to avoid placing stainless steel containers in the microwave whenever possible.

Stainless steel contains metals that can arc and cause sparks in a microwave due to the microwave’s electromagnetic waves.

When used in large amounts or over extended periods, these sparks can damage the coating inside your microwave oven and potentially start a fire.

Most stainless steel cookware manufacturers recommend not putting their products in the microwave for this reason.

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While you may have used stainless steel mixing bowls in your microwave occasionally with no apparent ill effects, in the future, it is best to reach for microwave-safe plastic, ceramic, or glass bowls instead when reheating or cooking food in the microwave.

This will help avoid any potential damage to your microwave that stainless steel containers can cause when put in the microwave.


Stainless steel is not recommended for use in a microwave oven. While stainless steel cookware and dishes can withstand high temperatures, they are not meant to be used with microwave radiation. 

Stainless steel metals contain nickel that can react improperly when exposed to microwave radiation, potentially causing damage to the microwave or releasing harmful substances.

For best results and safety, use microwave-safe plastic, glass, or ceramic dishes in the microwave instead of stainless steel containers and cookware.