Does Dish Soap Kill Wasps [4+ BONUS Tips]

Originally Created on: June 13, 2023 @ 9:31 am

Does dish soap kill wasps? Have you ever wondered if that bottle of dish soap under your sink could double as an effective wasp deterrent? You’re not alone.

There’s a popular myth that dish soap can instantly kill wasps and their nests. As the warm summer months approach and wasps become more active, you may be tempted to find out if this hack works.

Before you grab that bottle of Dawn and start spraying, here are the facts you need to know. Dish soap alone is not an effective wasp killer and will likely just irritate the wasps, causing them to become aggressive.

However, dish soap can be part of an effective solution when mixed properly with other ingredients. Here’s what you need to know about using dish soap to eliminate wasps.

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Does Dish Soap Kill Wasps

You have a wasp problem and wonder if dish soap does the trick. The short answer is yes, dish soap can kill wasps – but there’s a right way and a wrong way to do it.

First, make sure you use a soap that contains ammonia, like Dawn. Ammonia is toxic to wasps. Mix a few squirts of the soap into a water-filled spray bottle.

Next, wait until evening when wasps are less active and have returned to the nest. Aim the spray at the entrance of the nest and drench it thoroughly. The soap will coat the wasps and nest, suffocating the wasps.

The key is to spray the entire nest to kill all the wasps, especially the queen. If she survives, the colony will rebuild. You may need to reapply a few days later to get any newly hatched wasps.

Do Wasps Hate The Smell Of Dish Soap

So does dish soap deter wasps? The truth is, it depends.

Dish soap can irritate wasps, and the strong smell may confuse them, but it typically won’t kill them. The soap disrupts their senses, making the area unpleasant.

However, the wasps will likely return once the soap dries or is washed away by rain.

Some people have found that mixing a few drops of dish soap in a spray bottle with water can be an effective repellent.

The soapy water sticks to the wasps, irritating them without causing any real harm. They’ll fly away to get the sticky solution off their bodies.

The bottom line is dish soap alone probably won’t eliminate a wasp problem in the long run. For the best results, use it as a natural repellent in combination with other solutions like:

  • Removing access to food sources and shelter
  • Applying residual insecticides to nesting areas
  • Setting out wasp traps

Does Water Kill Wasps

Simply spraying wasps with water will not kill them. While a strong jet of water may knock wasps out of the air or off surfaces, it will not eliminate the colony or nest.

Wasps are resilient insects, and water will only temporarily stun them.

Once soaked, wasps will dry off, revive, and become active again. Their paper nests are also water-resistant and built to withstand rain and weather.

So spraying a wasp nest with water is not an effective way to destroy it or eliminate the colony.

For the best results in removing wasps, use an insecticide spray, powder, or bait designed to kill wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets.

These products contain chemicals like bifenthrin, permethrin, or fipronil to eliminate the wasps and destroy the nest. Alternatively, you can hire an exterminator to treat the nest professionally.

Soapy Water Works Fast

When you spray wasps with soapy water, the soap clogs their breathing holes and weighs down their wings, causing them to suffocate and drop to the ground within a few minutes.

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The soap also blocks their senses, making them disoriented and less aggressive.

  • Within 30 seconds of contact, the wasps will start showing signs of distress like erratic flying, dropping to the ground, and grooming behavior.
  • Most wasps will be incapacitated or dead within 2 to 3 minutes. The soap cuts off their oxygen supply and coats their bodies, making them unable to fly or breathe.
  • Use a soap with a degreaser, like a dish soap, for the best results. The soap’s surfactants break down the wasp’s waxy waterproof coating and penetrate the skin below.
  • Reapply the soapy water every few minutes until all wasp activity ceases. The soap residue will continue working after spraying to kill any wasps you may have missed.

How Do You Kill a Wasp Without Getting Stung

The easiest way to kill wasps without getting stung is to spray them with dish soap and water. Mix a few squirts of dish soap into a spray bottle filled with water.

The soap will suffocate the wasps and knock them out of the air. Once they hit the ground, the soap will continue to asphyxiate them. You can then dispose of the dead wasps by sweeping them and throwing them in the trash.

Be sure to spray the wasps to coat them in the soapy solution. Also, spray the area where they enter and exit to deter other wasps. Reapply as needed until the wasp activity ceases.

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Using this natural, non-toxic method, you can eliminate an entire wasp nest without harming your family or the environment. The soap and water are very effective but safe for children and pets.


After testing dish soap on wasps, the conclusion is clear. While dish soap can effectively kill wasps on contact, it should not be relied upon as a pest control method for an infestation.

The soap’s effectiveness depends greatly on proper application and coverage and may require repeated treatments to eliminate a nest fully.

For the average homeowner dealing with wasps, hiring an exterminator to remove the nest and spray residual pesticide to prevent the wasps from returning is best.

Dish soap could be useful as a natural repellent or in a pinch to kill a few stray wasps. Still, for a serious infestation, professional pest control is the safest and most effective solution.

So there you have it, the truth about whether dish soap kills wasps. While dish soap can kill wasps due to its ability to suffocate them and strip their protective wax coating, it depends on the type of dish soap and how well you apply it.

The key is to spray the wasps directly and thoroughly for the best results. If you do it right, dish soap can be an easy, natural way to get rid of those pesky wasps safely and eco-friendly without calling an exterminator.

Try it next time you must eliminate a wasp nest around your home. You might just become a believer in the power of dish soap yourself!