Can You Melt A Candle In The Microwave? [The ULTIMATE truth + 4 Steps]

Originally Created on: May 11, 2023 @ 10:00 am

Can you melt a candle in the microwave? When you look on the internet, you will find many ways to melt a candle, but can you really melt it in the microwave?

Melting a candle requires heat; many people use hot water, others use direct heat, while others use a microwave.

Microwaves have been assumed to do many people, and some assume they can also use them to melt the candles. Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it. 

Many candle makers and professionals in the candle-making industry have different theories supporting and not supporting this move, but what are the facts behind the do and not do in melting a candle using a microwave?

This article will discuss whether you can melt a candle in the microwave.

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Can You Melt a Candle In The Microwave?

Current technology of microwave supports melting a candle using a microwave, but there might be better equipment for melting a candle, and it might result in something unexpected or dangerous.

Microwaves seem like the ideal equipment, but this may not be true. 

Technically, many people melt a candle using a microwave because the microwave provides the heat for that.

You can control the candle’s melting temperature without ruining the microwave. But from what scientists and professional candle makers say, it might not be a very good idea to melt candles in a microwave.

The possibility of damage occurring in the microwave when melting a candle using a microwave is very high since candles are highly combustible, thus meaning fire can easily occur, thus damaging the microwave.

The melted wax can also stick to the microwave, thus destroying the proper functioning of the microwave.

As much as it’s possible to melt candles in the microwave by taking necessary precautions, it might not be a good idea for safety reasons.

What Happens If You Put Wax In The Microwave?

When you put wax in the microwave, several things are bound to happen. Some of these things are;

  • Fire outbreak: as stated earlier, wax is highly flammable. This means that putting wax in a microwave can cause a fire to break out when the wax is melting. Melting wax in the microwave requires a certain degree of care and precision that many people do not know; hence likely to cause a fire.
  • Uneven burning: putting wax in the microwave can lead to uneven burning of the wax since the melting of a candle requires even heating the candle slowly at the same low temperature to achieve the desired melting goal. Putting wax in the microwave can lead to uneven burning since microwaves tend to heat things unevenly and fast.
  • Dis-coloration: no one wants their candle to discolor when melting. Discoloration mainly occurs due to fast and uneven heating, which makes the melted candle get a dull color, unlike the original color. Putting wax in microwaves can lead to the discoloration of the candle, which can make the desired outcome unpleasant.

Why Melt Wax In The Microwave?

Melting candle wax using a microwave can be the easiest and fastest solution if you want to melt the wax at home and in a more affordable way.

If handled correctly, melting wax in the microwave can produce desired results, and the procedure can be safe for you and your family at home.

Getting a wax melting pot or a double boiler can be expensive and tedious, especially if you are not used to them.

Melting wax in the microwave is easy and fast using a plastic jug or container since using a metallic container can be dangerous since electromagnets can pass through and cause sparks which can lead to a fire.

Using a microwave at a low temperature for a short time using a plastic jug or container to melt the wax can be helpful if you want to try it for a fast time at no cost.

Ensure the plastic container is thick enough to sustain the microwave’s heat even at low temperatures.

How To Melt Wax In The Microwave

To melt wax in the microwave, follow this short procedure;

– Pour the required amount of wax into the jug or plastic container without filling the container since it can take longer for the wax to melt, or you can add small pieces of candle wax in the jug and add more as it continues melting.

– Place the container or jug containing the candle wax at the center of the microwave and put the microwave timer at 1 minute. Sometimes with modern microwaves, the candle wax will melt faster than expected. Therefore, you must stay on the candle wax since it can melt beyond the desired point.

– Remove the melting candle wax from the microwave, stir using a wooden stick or spoon, and then use a thermometer to check the temperature of the wax. Then return it to the microwave for another 40 seconds. 

– Keep removing and checking the temperature of the melted wax until it gets to 80-85 degrees Celsius. Once it has fully melted to the required temperature, you can add any fragrance and dyes you wish.

How Long Does It Take To Melt Candle Wax In The Microwave?

Melting candle wax in the microwave should be taken with enough precautions because any slip can cause damage to the microwave or the melted candle.

Candle wax should be melted for 1 to 3 minutes, depending on the type of microwave you are using. 

For most modern microwaves, it is best if you melt the candle for 1 minute, stir the candle, and measure the temperature of the candle using a thermometer until it gets to 80 degrees Celsius.

Monitoring the melted candle wax ensures that you melt it to the desired degree for modifications.


Melting a candle in the microwave is possible, but caution needs to be taken since it can lead to discoloration and fire outbreaks since the candle is highly combustible.

When melting a candle in the microwave, ensure that you use a plastic container or jug, and you should keep monitoring the melting process until it melts up to 80 degrees Celsius.