Can I Put A Bong In The Dishwasher? [TRUTH + 6 Steps]

Originally Created on: March 1, 2023 @ 2:35 pm

A bong is an important piece of glassware and can be quite delicate. It’s important to clean a bong regularly, as it should be stored away and not left on the edge of a table.

Can I put a bong in the dishwasher? This is one question that might cross your mind when cleaning your bong. After all, dishwashers are a convenient way to clean many household items, but is using them for your bong safe?

In this blog post, we’ll explore the answer to the question, “can I put a bong in the dishwasher?” and provide information on the best ways to keep your bong clean and well-maintained. 

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Can I Put A Bong In The Dishwasher? 

No. Although putting a bong in the dishwasher is possible, it’s not advisable. Dishwashers use heat and water to remove dirt from dishes which can cause damage to the glass on your bong. While some people have tried putting a bong in the dishwasher without significant damage, you risk hurting your bong, especially if you use chemical detergents or abrasive products. 

Dishwashers are designed to clean flat surfaces such as glass cookware or dishes, so there is no way for the dishwasher to reach all angles of a bong, which can lead to mold and resin buildup inside your bong.

This could lead to harmful bacteria and mold growing inside your pipe if you are a regular user. Also, cleaning all the soap particles out of the glass is difficult, and residue can cause unwanted chemical reactions when you smoke from an unclean bong. 

How to Clean a Bong?

Cleaning your glass piece properly is crucial to keeping your bong durable and original shape.

The best way to clean your bong is to remove the resin and clean the bong with isopropyl alcohol while avoiding soap or abrasive chemicals. This cleaning method will help ensure your bong is clear without affecting your weed’s overall taste or scent.

To do this, you’ll need a few things: 

  •  Isopropyl alcohol (at least 99% pure)
  •  A few inches of water
  • Bong cleaning brush
  •  Cotton balls or pipe cleaners

Follow the steps below to clean your bong with the above ingredients;

1. To clean your bong, add some isopropyl alcohol to the bowl and water to the base of your pipe. The mixture should be about three parts isopropyl to one part water. 

2. Mix and place it in the microwave for about 40 seconds. This may vary depending on your microwave, so be cautious when heating your solution.

3. Ensure all parts are covered with the solution, including the part of the glass that touches your weed. Let it sit for a few minutes while you prepare your cotton balls or pipe cleaners. 

4. Lift out the water and add a cotton ball or pipe cleaner to soak up the mixture. Wipe the cotton ball over the glass, making sure to use it as quickly as possible. 

5. Let the bong sit for at least an hour before lighting up or doing anything else with your bong; let all the alcohol evaporate and let your bong dry clean.

6. Do this every couple of days, depending on how much smoking you do.

What is the Proper Way to Clean a Glass Bong?

The best way to clean a glass bong is to use a cleaning solution specifically designed for bongs or to soak it in hot water and rub alcohol. You can also use a pipe cleaner or cotton swab to reach difficult areas. Here are some tips for cleaning your bong properly: 

  • Use a glass cleaner designed for bongs or hot water and rubbing alcohol when cleaning.
  • You should also avoid using detergent to clean your bong as it may damage the surface of the glass, which is also a health hazard.
  •  Don’t use chemicals or abrasive cleaners while your bong is still damp; the solution will damage the resin, glass, and Chong.
  • Temperature is important when cleaning your bong. Do not put your bong into a dishwasher or place it on a hot surface to avoid damage.
  • Use vinegar and hot water to remove residue and discoloration in your bong. Add a mixture of vinegar, hot water, and a few drops of dish soap onto the bong and filter down to the base. Rinse with clean water until all traces are gone.
  • Let your bong dry completely between uses to prevent mold from forming in certain spots.

How Often Should a Bong be Cleaned?

A bong should be cleaned every few days to ensure it is clean and clear of resin. The recommended cleaning frequency depends on how often you smoke and what kind of bong you use.

However, on average, you should clean your bong every week to ensure all residue is completely removed. Proper care of your bong will ensure it lasts a long time and that you continue to enjoy it.

Remember that the more you smoke, the dirtier your bong becomes and the more resin you must remove. Neglecting to clean your bong can result in a dirty and unpleasant smoking experience and can also lead to health concerns. 

Can I Put my Glass Pipe in the Dishwasher?

Although you can put glass pipes in the dishwasher, you should be careful. Pipes are made of glass, which can be easily broken. Dishwashing detergent can also severely damage your pipe’s finish if it comes into contact with strong chemicals.

The best thing to do is clean your pipe regularly and rinse it with hot water and isopropyl alcohol after each use. You can use a glass cleaning solution designed for glass pipes and dab rigs. You can use a pipe cleaner or cotton swab to reach small areas with resin buildup. 

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So can you put a glass pipe in the dishwasher? Technically, you can. But it’s risky to do so. While dishwashers may seem easy to clean your smoking equipment, it is not recommended due to the potential for damage and residue.

The best way to clean your bong is to wipe down your pipe with hot water and isopropyl alcohol after each use. Regular cleaning and maintenance are crucial for a clean and smooth smoking experience.

It is important to clean your bong or glass pipe after each use and to replace the water regularly to prevent buildup and keep it fresh.