Does Dish Soap Expire [Know It All + 4 EXTRA Tips]

Originally Created on: June 6, 2023 @ 10:01 am

Does dish soap expire? Dishwashing liquid, popularly known as dish soap is a crucial detergent used in washing dishes.

If you are planning to buy dish soap in bulk, or if you have one in your house that you have not used for a while, you are probably wondering if they ever go bad.

If that is the case, then you have come to the right place. Most people are usually keen on checking the expiration date of products that they consume, like medication and food.

Since dish soap is not consumed, very few people pay attention to their expiration date.

In this article, we will tell if dish soaps have an expiration date and why it is important to always check.

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Does Dish Soap Expire?

A direct answer is YES, dish soap does expire. Contrary to what many people think, dish soaps don’t last forever, they have a shelf life of about 18 months for liquid soap and about 6 months for powdered dish soap once opened.

It is important to note that dish soap doesn’t go bad as is the case with perishable products like food. In fact, you will not even notice when it goes bad because it will not show any physical signs.

However, once it expires, its effectiveness will reduce significantly because its active ingredients will have lost their potency.

This means that the dish soap will not clean your dishes as it is supposed to and that could put the health of your family at risk.

How Do You Know If Dish Soap Has Expired?

It is quite difficult to detect if a dish soap has expired just by looking at it and that is why most people use expired dish soaps unknowingly. Fortunately, there are several ways to detect if a dish soap has expired as explained below.

  • Check expiration date

One of the easiest ways to check if the dish soap has expired is by checking the expiration date. Most reputable dish soap brands usually indicate the expiration date.

If the dish soap has expired, discard it because its active ingredients have begun to break down, meaning it will not be effective as it used to be. If the dish soap does not have an expiration date, then it should not be used for more than 18 months after opening.

  • Check how the dish soap lathers

How your dish soap lather can also tell you if it has expired or not. If your dish soap does not lather well as it used to, then that is a clear sign that it has expired.

When dish soap expires, its active ingredients start to break down thus affecting its ability to lather. Dish soap that does not lather properly should be avoided because it will not get rid of all dirt, grease, and bacteria.

  • Loss of fragrant smell

Another sign that indicates your dish soap has expired is if it loses its fragrant smell. The loss of scent is a result of the loss of potency of its active ingredients and that also means that the soap does not break down dirt and bacteria as it used to.

  • Change in color and texture

If you notice that your dish soap color and texture have changed, you should stop using it immediately because it expired a long time ago. It takes time even after expiry for dish soap to change color and texture.

So, if you notice these signs, then that is a clear indication that your dish soap has gone bad.

Do Cleaning Products Expire?

YES, cleaning products expire. Like perishable products such as groceries, cleaning products also have a shelf life.

They contain active ingredients which degrade over time because of factors such as heat, moisture, and air.

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Over time, chemicals in the dish soap will begin to break down thus altering both the PH and enzyme making it less effective.

Is It Safe To Use Expired Dish Soap?

In short No, it is not safe to use expired dish soap. The expired dish soap will not damage the dishes but it will not clean them well as it is supposed to.

It will also not kill bacteria thus posing a health risk to your family. Additionally, expired dish soap can cause skin rash, itching, and dryness.

Does Liquid Soap Expire?

YES, liquid soap expires but it has a longer shelf life compared to powdered dish soap. Liquid dish soap can last for up to 18 months while powdered dish soap can only last for 6 months once opened.

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Like any other cleaning detergent, active ingredients in liquid soap usually lose their potency over time making it less effective.

How Long Does Dish Soap Last?

Dish soaps have a shelf life of between 6 and 18 months. Liquid dish soap can last for up to 18 months while powdered dish soaps last for only 6 months once opened.


If you have been asking yourself “Does dish soap expire?”, we hope you now know the answer. Dish soap has a life span that ranges between 6 and 18 months.

If used beyond its expiry date, then its effectiveness reduces significantly.

Always check the expiration date before buying a dish soap but if you have already purchased one, check for the signs given above to know if it has expired or not.